Conditions of participation ideas contest
of the waste management company Münster (awm)

These conditions of participation govern participation in the #createideasnotwaste ideas competition.

1. object of the ideas competition

1.1 The idea competition aims to generate, collect and promote ideas that contribute to awm’s Vision 2030 and thus make the city of Münster more waste-free and sustainable. Participants are called upon to submit a wide variety of ideas in the four categories of

  • Waste prevention,
  • City cleanliness,
  • Proper waste separation & recovering recyclables, and
  • Upcycling & Reuse

that can be implemented in awm’s area of activity.

1.2 The expert jury will select two winning entries in each of the four categories using the procedure described in these conditions of participation.

1.3 awm would like to help as many ideas as possible to be implemented and reserves the right to select further ideas for implementation beyond the winning entries.

1.4 The winners of the ideas competition will receive comprehensive support from awm. They will provide the relevant expertise, manpower, contacts with network partners and, if necessary, financial resources for the implementation of the ideas. No prizes or awards are offered. However, there is no entitlement to the implementation of ideas.

2. organizer of the ideas competition

The organizer is the waste management company of the city of Münster (hereinafter referred to as “awm“):
City of Münster
Waste Management Company of Münster
Rösner Street 10
48155 Münster

3. eligibility

3.1 Individuals of legal age or minors represented by their legal guardians for the purposes of the ideas competition, as well as associations, companies, schools, kindergartens and other groups are eligible to participate, provided they submit their ideas through a project manager. The project officer(s) must be of age at the time of submission and must be available as the contact person responsible for the duration of the competition and, if applicable, for subsequent processing (“project officer“).

3.2 There is no legal entitlement to participate in the competition.

3.3 Employees of awm are excluded from participation.

4 Implementation of the ideas competition

The ideas competition is divided into three phases:

Phase 1: Submitting ideas

Participants submit their idea exclusively by means of the platform accessible via the URL (the “Competition Platform“). If the participant is not an individual, the person responsible for the project submits the idea on behalf of the group behind it.

The ideas must be explained using the questions in the submission form. Photos, videos and documents can also be submitted for clarification.

The submission of ideas is possible from 17.05.2023, 0 o’clock. The deadline for participation is 31.08.2023, 24 hrs.

Entries submitted by other means or outside the participation period cannot be considered.

Phase 2: Voting and evaluation by the expert jury

After the awm has reviewed the submitted ideas, they will be published and released for later voting.

From 01.09.2023 to 30.09.2023, participants can collect votes for their ideas. Voting takes place via the competition platform. During this time, the citizens of Münster have the opportunity to vote for submitted ideas that are to be implemented with the help of awm. It is possible to vote for several ideas, but only one vote per idea. Registration is not required. Employees of awm may also vote for the ideas.

After the voting is completed, the ideas will be evaluated by a jury of experts appointed by awm. The following criteria will be taken into account: Performance in online voting, impact/benefit, expected acceptance, feasibility, scalability, creativity and sustainability in implementation.

Phase 3: Announcement of the winners, implementation of the ideas.

At the end of October 2023, awm will announce the decision of the expert jury and notify the winners. Subsequently, the implementation of the winning ideas will be planned with the winners. The ideas are then to be implemented in a timely manner.

6. competition entries, exclusion of entries or participants

6.1 By submitting an entry, participants affirm that they accept these Terms and Conditions of Participation, that they will accurately identify and cite the source of all third-party entries and sources used, and that the participants’ personal data and photographs and film footage taken in connection with participation in the competition may be used in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Participation for reporting on the competition and for the organizer’s press and public relations work and may be passed on to third parties.

6.2 Participants in the ideas competition will not be paid any fees or reimbursement of expenses. All costs incurred in the creation and submission of ideas shall be borne by the participants.

6.3 Ideas that endanger participants or third parties, that glorify violence, that use or research military technology or weapons, that were not created by the participants personally, that violate applicable law, that have already been submitted or will be submitted in another competition, that are already being marketed or are being prepared for marketing during the competition cannot participate. If third-party contributions are quoted or used, these must be marked as third-party and provided with a source reference; in addition, this use of third-party content must be legally permissible (legal permissibility or proven obtaining of the rights of use).

6.4 Before and during the competition, the ideas may not be marketed as part of a business start-up or prepared for marketing.

6.5 The participants undertake to treat each other and all participants in the competition with respect. In the event of a breach of these conditions of participation, the organizer reserves the right to exclude participants from the ideas competition. Ideas that do not comply with the conditions of participation may be rejected or excluded from the competition at any time. Participants who use unauthorized aids or otherwise obtain advantages through manipulation will also be excluded. The organizer can also pronounce such an exclusion afterwards. The organizer / jury is free in the evaluation.

7. rights of use

7.1 By submitting their respective entries, participants declare that they are the authors or creators of their submitted ideas and that the submitted documents and media, in particular also images, film, audio and text contributions, do not infringe any third-party rights. The participants further assure that they have obtained the necessary rights of use for all third-party content whose use requires the granting of rights, including the right that the content may also be used by the organizer within the framework of the competition and within the scope of these conditions of participation.

7.2 The participants shall indemnify the organizer against any claims asserted by third parties against the organizer due to the use by the organizer in accordance with the conditions.

7.3 The organizer is not obligated to check the content provided by the participants for potential infringements of the rights of third parties. However, the organizer is entitled to reject contributions if they are illegal or offend common decency according to their proper assessment.

7.4 The participants agree that their ideas in connection with the ideas competition may be used by the organizer for the purpose of public relations in online and offline media, disseminated and otherwise made publicly available to third parties. For the purposes of public relations, the participants therefore grant the organizers the simple right, unlimited in terms of time, space and content, to use the competition entries themselves or through third parties, in particular to reproduce, disseminate, make publicly perceptible, edit, translate and – insofar as it is necessary for public relations – to grant third parties rights of use to the competition entries, free of charge. In particular, the organizer has the right to report on the ideas competition and on the persons participating in the competition in words and pictures, naming them and including their likenesses (film, photo), and to exploit this in the media, either himself or through third parties. In addition, the participants undertake to be available to the organizer free of charge, within reasonable limits, for audio, photo, image and text promotion on radio, the Internet or in printed publications.

7.5 The rights to the ideas, the concepts developed and the competition entries shall otherwise remain with the providers of the ideas, subject to a claim in accordance with the option right below.

7.6 By participating in the competition, the participants undertake, in the event of interest on the part of the organizer, for a period of 6 months after the announcement of the competition results, to negotiate first and exclusively with the organizers before any third parties about the granting of rights at standard market conditions with regard to the ideas and any industrial property rights derived or derived from them.

7.7 Note on inventions: The presentation of an invention in competition leads to the fact that it is considered as published and can then no longer be protected as a patent. If an idea is to be protected as a patent, the patent application must be filed by the competition participants before the first presentation in the competition. The organizer does not assume or reimburse any costs.

8. cancellation of the competition

The organizer reserves the right to cancel the ideas competition at any time for good cause and to cancel or terminate it at any time. This applies in particular in the event of force majeure or if the ideas competition cannot be held or continued for other organizational, technical or legal reasons. The organizer will make use of this possibility in particular if the proper execution of the competition cannot be guaranteed for technical reasons (e.g. viruses, manipulation) or for legal reasons. In such a case, the participants shall not be entitled to any claims against the organizers.

9 Liability

9.1 The organizer shall only be liable for damages if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of the organizer. The organizer shall also be liable for culpable injury to life, limb or health of a natural person in the event of only simple negligence.

9.2 In addition, the organizer is also liable for only simple negligent breaches of cardinal obligations. Cardinal obligations are those whose fulfillment makes the proper execution of the ideas competition and the achievement of the purpose of the contract and competition possible in the first place and on whose compliance the participants may regularly rely. This limitation of liability applies in particular to damage caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission of data, malfunctions of technical equipment or the service, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way during the use of the application.

9.3 Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

10 Data protection

Personal data shall be handled in accordance with the data protection declaration available at Privacy | City of Münster (

11 Miscellaneous

11.1 The conditions of participation are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Legal recourse is excluded.

11.2 Should any of these provisions be or become invalid or ineffective, the validity of the remaining conditions of participation shall not be affected.