Together for a capital of waste prevention

With our “Vision 2030”, we, the Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Münster (awm), are pursuing an ambitious goal: By 2030, we want to make Münster, together with you, a capital of waste avoidance. How do we do that? By significantly reducing the amount of waste – and using the remaining waste as a recyclable material. Or in other words: closing material cycles as completely as possible.

For this, we need a citizenry that contributes through exemplary waste avoidance, recycling and a pronounced awareness of resources.

And thus also contributes to urban cleanliness. awm stands by the citizens as a reliable partner.

With our ideas competition, we want to promote this understanding of partnership and at the same time raise awareness of how zero waste contributes to making Münster even more sustainable and liveable. Because that’s what it’s all about in the end: together we can create more quality of life. And that is why awm means for us: alle wirken mit!

Learn more about Vision 2030 here.

#createideasnotwaste: The ideas contest for Münster!

We say thank you for all your great ideas for our Münster, because on the way to a waste-free city, every idea and every person who gets involved counts. Vote now for the idea that you think will make Münster even cleaner and litter-free – and with our full support we will make Münster even more livable together.

Examples of successful ideas

How it works

You develop an idea

How can we avoid waste? Repurpose used items? Recover recyclable materials? Keep the city clean? Many paths lead to a waste-free city, and some successful examples from Münster may inspire you. No matter if your idea seems complicated or simple, impossible or obvious: We are happy about every contribution that makes Münster waste-free!

You submit your idea

Next, we need some information from you or your team. Describe your idea in a few sentences, briefly explain who is behind it and tell us why the idea is good for Münster. We will then post the idea online in the selected category. The deadline for your entry is August 31, 2023.

You collect voices and inspire others

Spread your idea and collect votes: Share your idea on social media using the hashtag #createideasnotwaste, activate your network and inspire others to participate. Afterwards, the citizens of Münster can vote for your idea on the idea platform ( Your efforts will pay off: the public vote will be taken into account in the jury’s decision!

Your idea convinces the jury

Our jury of experts votes on the basis of various criteria. Among other things, they examine the benefits for our city, the potential acceptance of the idea, the chance of feasibility and also the sustainability of the implementation. The votes from the online poll are also included in the jury’s assessment. The best ideas will be implemented together with awm!

You implement your idea together with the awm

You have won? Then you can get started now: The awm will clarify with you how your idea can be implemented and how we can best support you – for example with our expertise, contacts, our manpower or the necessary financial resources.

Frequently asked questions

What ideas can I submit?

Any idea that you think will make Münster more waste-free is welcome. Whether this idea seems simple or complex, obvious or super innovative at first glance – it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that as many citizens as possible can benefit from your idea. To make it easier to find ideas, we have created four categories and listed a successful example from Münster for each.

What documents do I need for the submission?

We only need a little information from you or your team. Describe your idea in a few sentences, briefly explain who is behind it and tell us why you think the idea is good for Münster. Then you can post your idea in the appropriate category using the form.

When and where do I submit my idea?

You can submit your ideas here until August 31, 2023. We will then review and approve them so they can be seen on the contest page.

What happens when I have successfully submitted my idea?

Then you have to inspire as many Münster residents as possible with your idea. Share your ideas with family, friends and acquaintances and collect as many votes as possible. Your efforts will pay off, because the votes will be included in the jury of expert’s decision!

When can I vote for my idea?

Voting for the ideas will be open from Sept. 1 to Sept. 30, 2023.

What criteria are used to evaluate the ideas?

Our expert jury votes on the basis of various criteria. It examines the benefits for our city, the potential acceptance of the idea, the chance of feasibility, the potential for further development (e.g. for other citizens, cities or institutions), the sustainability in implementation and, of course, the creativity of the idea.

What do I get if my idea wins?

You or your team will receive full support from awm. We provide our expertise, manpower, contacts to our network and, if necessary, also the financial means for the implementation of the ideas.